Monday, January 14, 2008

Shocking Friday

Last week was my first week of class...

Was enjoying hanging out with my friends, its a been a long time doing crazy stuff with them, really miss them. Just when i thought everything was okay, so we went to Mardigras for clubbing on Friday last week. Everything was okay =) Almost everyone was there, talking 'cocks' and chilling out, we even met 2 more girls, sweeeet!

Until one of the girl's dad called, its urgent and she really have to go. So i offer myself to give her a ride back. This is when the situation a good guy being treated bad for no reason. I reach her house and her dad was angry at me for no reason, I said to him softly and politely 我只负债送你女儿回家, 什么都没做. I have no intention of talking bad bout her dad. But in the end i got hurt and i drove away. I have no idea of what really happen, i was so innocent looking at him, why was he like that?!

Well, i'm okay already now... Living to every breath i could still inhale, walking every tomorrow's steps slowly, I felt better for not blaming him =)

(changed the sound of my soul)

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