Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Im officially the laziest blogger ever to exist...

My last post was somewhere around December, it was before Christmas.

First thing first, a little update on my current situation. Things are going quite well for me now. I'm finally in term 2 right now. Meet several new people that share the same topics and passions with me. Could go on talking and talking for hours non-stop now =)

The busy but fun uni life I have been long waited has been granted, it aint something i could get back then in Twintech, everyday seems like just another day...

Back then i still remember that many thing seems like impossible,
I also remember the days that dreams are only meant to be in dreams,
I'm happy for being where I am right now...

Oh btw, some of your already know i bought a Golden Retriever!! I always wanted a golden=) I named his Chase, hes around 9 months now, and hes still abit too naughty. Bit all my tissue rolls and even my magazines! I'll upload some pictures of him few post later.

Once again, gotta get some sleep, to people who still read my blog, thank you!

1 comment:

Tsui Ying said...

hey Vince! what college r u studying now?? And, i wanna see Chase~