Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Seasons of Love

Many people actually give up on their relationship too soon, my favorite quote; Many people give up too soon when they fail to realize how close they are to success. This very important quote is what still keeping me going forward so hard today.

After rereading some of the topics in a book i got from a friend last time called 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' by John Gray. I finally understand that I too failed to understand that Love has its own seasons too, just like our earth's climate.

The Seasons of Love

A relationship is like a garden. If it is to thrive it must be watered regularly. Special care must be given, taking into account the seasons as well as any unpredictable weather. New seeds must be sown and weeds must be pulled. Similarly, to keep the magic of love alive we must understand its seasons and nurture love's special needs.

The Springtime of Love

Falling in love is like springtime. We feel as though we will be happy forever. We cannot imagine not loving our partner. It is a time of innocence. Love seems eternal. It is a magical time when everything seems perfect and works effortlessly. Our partner seems to be the perfect fit. We effortlessly dance together in harmony and rejoice in our good fortune.

The Summer of Love

Throughout the summer of our love we realize our partner is not as perfect as we thought, and we have to work on our relationship. Not only is our partner from another planet(Men and Women are very different), but he or she is also a human who makes mistakes and is flawed in certain ways

Frustration and disappointment arise; weeds need to be uprooted and plants need extra watering under the hot sun. It is no longer easy to give love and get the love we need. We discover that we are not always happy, and we do not always feel loving. It is not our picture of love.

Many couple at this point become disillusioned. They do not want to work on a relationship. The unrealistically expect it to be spring all the time. They blame their partners and give up. They do not realize that love is not always easy; sometimes it requires hard work under a hot sun. In the summer season of love, we need to nurture our partners needs as well as ask for and get the love we need. It doesn't happen automatically.

The Autumn of Love

As a result of tending the garden during the summer, we get to harvest the results of our hard work. Fall has come. It is a golden time - rich and fulfilling. We experience a more mature love that accepts and understands our partner's imperfections as well as our own. It is a time of thanksgiving and sharing. having worked hard during summer we can relax and enjoy the love we have created.

The Winter of Love

Then the weather changes again, and winter comes. During the cold, barren months of winter, all the nature pulls back within itself. it is a time of rest, reflection, and renewal. this is a time in relationships when we experience our own unresolved pain or our shadow self. It is when our lid comes off and our painful feelings emerge. It is a time of solitary growth for love and fulfillment. It is a time of healing. This is the time when men hibernate in their caves and women sink to the bottom of their wells.

After loving and healing ourselves through the dark winter of love, then spring inevitably returns. Once again we are blessed with the feelings of hope, love and an abundance of possibilities. Based on the inned healing and soul searching of our winter journey, we are then able to open our hearts and feel the Springtime of Love again once more.

The Springtime of Love --> The Summer of Love -->The Autumn of Love --> The Winter of Love
(Do you see the Seasons of Love now?)

There is always an exception for everything.. By really try to understand the Seasons of Love, you will soon discover the pattern why sometimes your partner is so grumpy and why sometimes they are so loving. Try to understand why are they not so loving as last time.

Love requires a lot of passion and effort. Fight for what you want, this world is realistic, you dont work hard you dont get wat you want. Always remember, the word hopeless doesnt really exist until u decided its really hopeless, or when u are dead..

I wish you loving couples all the best =)

(Sources in this post are mainly from the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray)

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